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    Easypack is a system that produces packs of two bottles, called bipacks or duopacks, using a special elastic band, called a “sleeve”, which is fully printable and personalisable. The machine does not use glue or a shrink-wrapping oven for the formation of the packs and is able to group the packs of two bottles in a logistic pack, easier to manage during the handling phase. Easypack consists of modules that can be personalised according to the customer’s production requirements and can combine bottles of different flavours to create rainbow packs.


    Easymax is a system that produces packs of two bottles with a handle using a special elastic band, called a “sleeve”, which is fully printable and personalisable. The machine does not use glue or a shrink-wrapping oven for the formation of the packs and is able to group the packs of two bottles in a logistic pack, easier to manage during the handling phase. The Easymax system groups three functions in a single machine (bipack or duopack production, handle application, logistic pack formation) and can combine bottles of different flavours to create rainbow packs.



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