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    Welcome to the Service Area, a space dedicated to solutions developed by ACMI to keep your production lines efficient and safe.
    ACMI has always been committed to making customers aware of the need to keep all installed systems in perfect condition and efficiency in order to always guarantee maximum productivity in a completely safe environment. In particular, the company recommends:

    - carrying out both ordinary and extraordinary maintenance on a regular basis;
    - maintaining an adequate level of training for all line operators;
    - agreeing on periodic inspection visits by ACMI technicians;
    - purchasing upgrades on installed ACMI systems, when available.

    In order to facilitate the execution of all these activities, the company provides its customers with a complete range of services.


    The Upgrades and New Formats service allows the customer to always obtain maximum performance from the system and to adapt it to any new formats introduced after the first installation. In detail, this service allows you to:
    improve the performance of the system;
    achieve greater energy savings;
    increase the level of safety for operators.


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      I authorise the processing of personal data by ACMI SpA in accordance with the privacy legislation in order to proceed with the request. Read the complete privacy policy

      I authorise the processing of personal data by ACMI SpA for commercial communication purposes, including by e-mail, fax and sms.


      The Spare Parts service deals with all the components of the systems installed by ACMI and aims to minimise maintenance times and limit unscheduled downtime as much as possible.


      Upon request, ACMI creates dedicated 3D software for each installed system for the reordering of spare parts. The program can be installed on any customer device (PC, tablet, smartphone) and allows the spare parts order to be sent to ACMI in a simple and automated manner by navigating within the 3D presentation of the machine.


      The Technical Assistance service is the heart of ACMI’s Service Area and has the task of guaranteeing continuous technical support to customers all over the world. This service is not limited to emergency situations, but works to continually improve the performance of the systems installed through the various tools listed in this section of the site, with the ultimate aim of fully satisfying the production needs of all customers. Emergency interventions of a mechanical and/or software nature are guaranteed within 24 hours in areas served by an ACMI branch and within 36 hours in other areas.


      ACMI offers a Remote Assistance service which, through the use of special augmented reality devices (helmet, glasses, smartphone, tablet), allows remote interaction between the ACMI technician and the operator. This solution makes it possible to solve most of the technical problems that may arise on the line as the operator is guided step by step through the operations to be performed, while the ACMI technician can visually verify the correct execution and the related effects on the operation of the system.


      The Training service is another essential element in order to achieve maximum output from a packaging system. A properly trained line operator is very often able to solve most of the problems that may occur during the operating phases of the line and knows which are the optimal adjustments to achieve maximum efficiency. The Training service provided by ACMI is available for both line operators and maintenance personnel.


      The purpose of the Audit Service is to carry out an accurate analysis of the operation of each machine and line component in order to maintain maximum efficiency. The result of the Audit Service activity leads to the generation of a report containing a list of interventions to be performed on the system.


      The Scheduled Maintenance service is another key element of the ACMI Service Area. It is an essential service to maximise the efficiency of a packaging system and to optimise the important investment made at the time of purchase.

      Personalisation: maintenance plans, and the related interventions, are structured taking into account the specific production and organisational needs of the customer.
      Blocked price: both on spare parts and on labour.
      Personalised training: the scheduled maintenance agreement includes a personalised training service with on-the-line coaching by qualified ACMI instructors.
      TCO – Total Cost of Ownership: the stipulation of a scheduled maintenance agreement contributes to a significant reduction in overall operating costs.



        I authorise the processing of personal data by ACMI SpA in accordance with the privacy legislation in order to proceed with the request. Read the complete privacy policy

        I authorise the processing of personal data by ACMI SpA for commercial communication purposes, including by e-mail, fax and sms.